Monday, January 19, 2009


DC went snowboarding this past weekend. Good times were had, as expected. Three out of four days were spent snowboarding in the beautiful mountains of Vermont, freezing our asses off. The remaining day was spent playing ice hockey with a bunch of guys we met in the lodge on our first night there.
This is where I learned that not only do I not know how to ice skate very well, but that getting slammed on the ice will make every joint/muscle in your entire body hurt. And bruises will appear in places that might make an outside party wonder what really went on during this little trip we had.
[Yes, I'm the idiot who wears a vest instead of a full jacket when snowboarding in -20º weather. But before you all call my crazy, in my defense, I would like to note that when snowboarding, you use every muscle in your body. Muscles you didn't know you had. And when you're as out of shape as I am, you get real hot real fast. So a vest is always a good idea for snowboarders like me. AKA, chain smokers who don't exercise regularly anymore.]
I got my ass handed to me this weekend. It wasn't pretty. But it was a blast either way. After a quick Doctor's visit this morning it was determined: DC dislocated and broke her right wrist. Again. For a grand total of three times in her life thus far. Yikes. And I got that "I told you so!" when the Doc explained to me that since I broke it last year (snowboarding, ha!) and I refused to have it casted (6-8 weeks!!!) that it would not heal correctly and be much more fragile than the average 20-something's wrists, and I ran the risk of breaking it again.
Ask me if I got a cast put on it this time around.
Ask me if I'm going to stop snowboarding.
Nope. (Though at the rate I'm going, I probably should.)
Ahhh... Thick Mick at her finest.
[Note: the picture shown above is an exact reaction to inspecting the damage of the cracked and dislocated wrist. Notice the smile? Yea... I'm a sick bastard.]
After getting tossed and tumbled all day long on the slopes, our evenings were spent in quite possibly the sickest log cabin known to man. Woke up every morning in the loft with floor to ceiling, two story high windows overlooking the mountains. Drank my hot tea and read the newspaper/checked some blogs I make a point to read daily, and responded to work e-mails. Evenings were either spent at the lodge getting hammered and listening to a few local rock cover bands with some cool mountain folk or getting hammered at the cabin in the hot tub with some of my closest friends.
I've come to realize that my friends who seem like normal adults, will always be high school/frat boys when consuming mass amounts of liquor in a short amount of time, away from home, in a hot tub.
...Did I mention that I was the only girl on this snowboarding trip? Yea. Eight of my best guy friends and little 'ole me in a hot tub. It was interesting, that's for sure.
Without naming names, I got two of my straightest guy friends to kiss. No tongue, but open mouth for sure. Was trying to put an old rumor to rest that girls are turned on by two guys kissing. I explained that I needed to witness such an event up close and personal. I don't know how I did it, but I did. [The powers of persuasion are strong with this one.]
Like the twelve year olds at heart we all are- a game of truth or dare was initiated. Most of my friends were not only twelve about it, but twelve year old girls.
DC: "Ben, Truth or Dare?"
Ben: "Truth."
Are you kidding me? I was forced to get to know the inner-boy of all of my friends this weekend. I think after the male/male make-out session, all the guys were afraid to see what I would come up with for dares.
Oh well. It was good time all around.
Let's just say I got to know a few of the guys a little too well though. And when I say "little", believe me, the PUN was intended.
[And, no. I did not sleep/make-out with any of them. Because I know all you pervs were wondering about it.]
(((P.S. I'm not sure why, but I was unable to get today's post to space itself properly. So I'm sure it looks jumbled and crowded. I apologize.))