Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Starting New.

Sitting on my couch, wondering what happens next.

I traveled all around the country stopping at some of my favorite places and making a point to visit cities that have been on my list for as long as I can remember.

Colorado Springs, San Diego, Seattle, Austin, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Albany, Boston, and Chicago.

Why the hell did I come back to New York again? I can't quite remember. With nothing here waiting for me, New York is feeling more empty than it did when I left. No steady job (still just doing paintings when I can and I want), no lease on my apartment (got the month-to-month), no boyfriend (though I did try this time), and no school. The only thing I got going for me here is the fam.

But now that I've seen other places, I'm itching to see more. More cities, more places no one in New York has ever heard of, more people I would never have the chance to meet here, and more countries. That's for damn sure.

So I have a few opportunities that are ahead of me. Some offers in places that do not involve here. Some chances to start fresh on all new turf. And I think I might just jump on one... Or two.

Will disclose such location(s) when I know which I will take.
Here's to starting over. And loving every second of it.


David said...

Everyone with the financial ability to travel, should travel and travel often. Kudos to you.

Cindy A. Chen said...

Congrats!! :) I'm glad to hear from you again. I'll be in Chicago starting Sept 4th. Getting my Master's in Architecture. Perhaps our paths will cross one day!